Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet XIIII

The golden gift that nature did thee geve
To fasten frendes and feed them at thy wyll,
With fourme and favour, taught me to beleve.
How thow art made to shew her greatest skill.
Whose hidden vertues are not so unknowen,
But lively domes might gather at the furst
Where beauty so her perfect seede hath sowen,
Of other graces folow nedes there must.
Now certesse Garret, sins all this is true,
That from above thy giftes are thus elect :
Do not deface them than with fansies newe,
Nor change of mindes let not thy minde infect :
But mercy him thy frende, that doth thee serve,
Who seekes alway thine honour to preserve.


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